Inquiry into the external oversight of police corruption and misconduct in Victoria – 19 Feb 2018 [Parliament of Victoria]
19 February 2018
The CHAIR — Good morning. I declare open the public hearings for the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission Committee’s inquiry into the external oversight of police corruption and misconduct in Victoria. All mobile telephones should now be turned to silent. I welcome Mr Jeremy King from Robinson Gill Lawyers.
IBACC Submission 44A [Parliament of Victoria]
19 February 2018
My name is Jeremy King, Principal Lawyer, speaking on behalf of Robinson Gill Lawyers.
Robinson Gill Lawyers has represented and advocated for persons affected by police misconduct since the 1990s. We are experts in civil litigation against the State of Victoria for torts committed by its police members such as assault, battery and false imprisonment.
Inquiry into the external oversight of police corruption and misconduct in Victoria – 5 Feb 2018 [Parliament of Victoria]
5 February 2018
The CHAIR — I welcome the IBAC Commissioner. All evidence taken by this committee is protected by parliamentary privilege, therefore you are protected against any action for what you say here today, but if you go outside and repeat the same things, including on social media, those comments may not be protected by this privilege. Have you received and read the guide for witnesses presenting evidence to parliamentary committees?
IBACC Submission No. 44 [Parliament of Victoria]
4 September 2017
Submission to the inquiry into external oversight of police corruption and misconduct in Victoria.